
Governors call for higher school standards

WASHINGTON, Feb. 23 (UPI) -- The National Governors Association has called for tougher standards and exams for the nation's high school students, the New York Times reported Wednesday.

The association issued a report suggesting high school diplomas under current standards do not guarantee the bearers have the skills necessary to flourish in college or the workplace.


The report said 4 in 10 public high school graduates are unprepared for college courses or anything beyond an entry-level job. The governors said graduates require billions of dollars in remedial training to endow them with needed skills "they should have attained in high school."

"We must restore the value to a high school diploma," said Gov. Mark Warner of Virginia, a Democrat who is the chairman of the governors association. "Put simply, our standards have not kept pace with the world or the global economy.

"We must push our students harder and expect more from them," he said.

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