
Wolfowitz to be responsible for tribunals

WASHINGTON, June 24 (UPI) -- Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has delegated his role as "appointing authority" for military commissions to his deputy, Paul Wolfowitz.

CNN reported Rumsfeld signed the order last weekend, giving Wolfowitz authority over the tribunals that will try al Qaeda and Taliban suspects.


President Bush issued an order in November 2001, allowing military tribunals to be used to try non-citizens accused of terrorist acts. People brought before the tribunals have no right to a jury trial, no right to confront accusers, and no right to appeal trial procedures or sentences, which could include death.

CNN said it learned Wolfowitz will exercise key powers in the commission process. After the chief military prosecutor drafts charges against a detainee, Wolfowitz will have the authority to approve those charges and send the detainee to trial.

He will select military officers to sit on commissions and, if the commissions cannot resolve procedures, motions or facts, Wolfowitz will make the final decision.

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