
Traffic cameras about safety, not revenue

COLUMBIA, Mo., June 7 (UPI) -- Traffic cameras, seen by some as municipal "money spinners," are critical to public safety and benefits outweigh any potential abuses, a U.S. researcher says.

"A red light camera is not a panacea for traffic problems; it is a very effective tool for safe and efficient transportation," said Carlos Sun, an associate professor of civil engineering at the University of Missouri.


"Just like any other tool, it should be used responsibly in the proper situation," he said. "The decision to use automated traffic enforcement tools requires a balancing act, but we shouldn't take away an effective tool just because of the potential for abuse."

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration statistics indicate running red lights accounts for 883 fatalities and 165,000 injuries each year, a UM release said Tuesday.

Sun said his study of numerous automated speed enforcement studies from around the world found the cameras to be effective at improving safety overall.

Still, he said, he found room for improvement. With a lack of coordination among automated traffic enforcement laws throughout the legal system, Sun said, state legislators need to create laws regarding operation, privacy and jurisdiction.


Despite the potential for cameras to just "generate revenue," Sun said, checks and balances among traffic engineers, traffic enforcement, city administration, legislators and citizens should ultimately keep abuse in check.

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