
Medicare administrator to resign

WASHINGTON, Sept. 5 (UPI) -- Dr. Mark McClellan, the director of the U.S. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, reportedly confirmed Tuesday he plans to resign by early next month.

McClellan, administrator of the center that supervises the government's two major health programs, said it was a difficult decision since he finds the job both exciting and rewarding, The Wall Street Journal said.


"But I've been in government service for much longer than my family and I had ever expected or prepared for, and after almost six years in this administration, plus service in the previous administration as well, I'm looking forward to more dinners at home with Steph and our daughters," he said in an e-mail sent to his staff.

White House press secretary Tony Snow said it's been known for some time McClellan intended to resign. No successor has yet been named.

McClellan is an internist who taught both economics and medicine at Stanford University.

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