Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe Dec. 24 (UPI) -- A pair of Vietnamese acrobats reclaimed a Guinness World Record when one of them climbed 100 stairs outside a Spanish cathedral with the other balanced on his head. Circus-performing brothers Giang Quoc Co, 37, and Giang Quoc Nghiep, 32, climbed 100 stairs outside St. Mary's Cathedral in Girona, breaking the Guinness World Record for most consecutive stairs climbed while balancing a person on the head. Advertisement The brothers said event organizers had to build 10 additional stairs for the event, as the cathedral only has 90. "The new steps have a different height and material compared to the 90 existing ones. We did not have the chance to practice on these 10 steps in advance," Giang Quoc Co told VNexpress. "We used our experience, maintained steady breathing and foot rates and a moderate speed to successfully reach the finish line." The brothers accomplished the feat in only 53 seconds. The Giangs previously set the same record in 2016, when they climbed the same cathedral's 90 stairs. Their record was broken in 2018, when Peruvian acrobats Pablo Nonato Panduro and Joel Yaicate Saavedra scaled 91 stairs. Advertisement Read More Pittsburgh-area bakery cooks up 7-foot 'Frosty the Doughman' 'Wheel of Fortune' contestant who was denied an Audi will receive new car, anyway Swap meet shopper returns family photos, letters to Hawaii brothers