Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe Dec. 3 (UPI) -- Astronauts at the International Space Station created a video of themselves making pizza in zero gravity. Italian astronaut Paolo Nespoli tweeted that he "casually" told ISS chief Kirk Shireman that he missed pizza and Shireman managed to get pizza ingredients into space. Advertisement The social media-friendly astronauts then recorded themselves making several personal-size pizzas as the ingredients floated in the air against a backdrop of high-tech space equipment. "Flying Saucers of the edible kind," tweeted American astronaut Randy Bresnik. "Pizza Pie created from scratch, the IPDS (Intergalactic Pizza Devouring Squad) says 12 thumbs up!" Read More Paramedics free young girl's arm from gumball machine Massachusetts police stop vehicle with pizza box license plate Commuter films 'Avocado Rat' at Brooklyn subway station