
House Speaker Paul Ryan shuts down congressman's dabbing son

By Ben Hooper
The son of Rep. Roger Marshall, R-Kan., dabs during his father's swearing-in photo with House Speaker Paul Ryan. Screenshot: NBC New York/Twitter
The son of Rep. Roger Marshall, R-Kan., dabs during his father's swearing-in photo with House Speaker Paul Ryan. Screenshot: NBC New York/Twitter

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WASHINGTON, Jan. 4 (UPI) -- An incoming Kansas congressman says his son is grounded for dabbing during a swearing-in photo op that perplexed House Speaker Paul Ryan.

House Speaker Paul Ryan was conducting swearing-in photos with the incoming 115th Congress Tuesday, and Rep. Roger Marshall, R-Kan., brought his family, including four children, to appear in the photo.


Televised by C-SPAN, the photo shoot featured Marshall's son dabbing -- an upper body dance movement popularized by the victory celebrations of Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton. The teen was dead-center in the photo, holding the Bible right between his dad and Ryan.

"Do you want to put your hand down?" Ryan said at the event. "You gonna sneeze? That it?"

Ryan admitted on Twitter that he doesn't understand the gesture.

"Just finished swearing-in photos. Nearly 300 members. Countless cute kids. Still don't get what dabbing is, though," he tweeted.


Marshall told his boss via Twitter that his son is facing the consequences for his cheeky photo pose attempt.

"Just so you know @SpeakerRyan: He's grounded." Marshall tweeted.

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