
Geese Police patrol National Mall on four legs

David Marks, founder of Geese Police, said his border collies are trained to scare away geese without being distracted by friendly humans.

By Ben Hooper

Somebody got a new reflective vest for working a new big account. Press day is tomorrow so look for us in the news!

Posted by Geese Police DC on Wednesday, May 13, 2015
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WASHINGTON, May 15 (UPI) -- U.S. National Park Service officials fed up with goose droppings on the National Mall in Washington are calling for backup -- the four-legged enforcers known as the Geese Police.

Parks officials announced Thursday the Geese Police -- who are not actual police but rather a group of border collies trained to ward off trespassing water fowl -- will be patrolling the National Mall to keep the geese from befouling National Mall landmarks including the Lincoln Memorial.


The officials said just one goose can leave behind 2-3 pounds of feces in a single day and the unwanted excrement can damage pipes and filters in the reflecting pool as well as posing a health nuisance for visitors.

David Marks, founder of Geese Police, said he expects the goose problem to subside after a few weeks of work by his dogs.

"A problem that has been a problem for 8, 9, 10 years usually takes us 6 to 8 weeks to get a handle on," Marcks told NBC Washington. 

Marcks said the dogs are trained not to be distracted by friendly humans while they're on patrol. "The only thing he or she cares about is working," Marcks said. 


The National Park Service said the geese will not be harmed by the dogs, merely chased away.

The service said the contract with Geese Police will last a year with an option to extend for four more years if officials are happy with the results.

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