
Time capsule contents disappoint some

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ABINGTON, Mass., Feb. 9 (UPI) -- Some residents of the three towns that used to comprise Abington, Mass., said they found the contents of a 100-year-old time capsule disappointing.

Donald Cann, a local history expert in Rockland, which used to comprise Abington along with Whitman and the town that still bears the original name, and other locals said the five programs from the weeklong 1912 celebration of the city's 200th anniversary and sepia images of buildings and landscapes made for a disappointing time capsule opening Sunday, the Boston Globe reported Thursday.


"I would hope the next time capsule is a little more exciting for people opening it 100 years from now," Cann said. "In 1912, there could have been something about the Titanic."

However, Pam Whiting, the Dyer Library's research librarian, said she was glad to have fresh copies of the 1912 program.

"I use it here all the time,'' she said. "It's an important piece of history."

Local experts said the creator of the time capsule is unknown as is its location before the 1930s when it was stored at the Dyer Library.

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