Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe Robber's car towed from court KILMARNOCK, Scotland, Jan. 2 (UPI) -- An optimistic Scotsman left his car parked with a one-hour ticket on it when he went to his sentencing for an armed robbery only to have it demolished. Advertisement Detlef Jenkins wound up being sent to prison for four years and the car sat for more than three months outside the courthouse in Kilmarnock, The Scotsman reported. Then the Vauxhall Omega was towed and converted to scrap metal in a crusher. The Vauxhall had been given a parking citation almost immediately after the initial hour expired, followed by another one later. When its tax disc expired, the car was booted. A Strathclyde police spokeswoman said police made efforts to find Jenkins' relatives before towing the car. Jenkins pleaded guilty to holding up the Mosset Tavern in Forres, where he lived, with another man in December 2006. Advertisement Postum goes the way of the buggy whip SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 1 (UPI) -- Postum addicts among Mormons in Utah are looking for a new way to get a caffeine-free fix now that Kraft Foods has discontinued the cereal beverage. Postum was invented in 1895 by C.W. Post, a Seventh Day Adventist and founder of the cereal company that bore his name. Both Adventists and members of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints eschew coffee and tea, along with liquor and cigarettes. Rene Zahery, a spokeswoman for Kraft, which now owns the Post brand name, said the demand for Postum had dwindled to the point where manufacturing it no longer made sense, The Salt Lake Tribune reported. "Whatever remains in the marketplace is all there is of Postum," she said. Postum was once so much a part of Mormon life that coffee tables elsewhere were referred to as Postum tables. But the drink appears to have fallen out of fashion even while the church has grown. The drink clearly has its fans. "This is one Mormon who mourns the death of Postum. I'm quite sure that I'm not alone," wrote William Morris, creator of a Mormon arts and culture blog. Advertisement Hundreds take sub-zero jump in Minn. lake EXCELSIOR, Minn., Jan. 1 (UPI) -- Below-zero temperatures in Minnesota Tuesday didn't stop hundreds of people from taking an icy plunge into frigid Lake Minnetonka. While the folks at Guinness World Records apparently don't keep this stat, organizers of the "On It & In It Lake Minnetonka Ice Plunge" say the 689 swimmers who jumped into the lake was a record for the 18-year event, KARE-TV, Minneapolis, reported. Last year, 669 took the plunge in the western Twin Cities lake. New Year's Day temperatures were about one degree below zero with the wind chill registering minus 16, the TV station said. Leaders of Active Life and Running Club, which runs the event and donates registration fees to charity, say they intend to petition the city of Excelsior, location of the plunge, to have it declared the "Ice Dive Capital of the World," the Minneapolis Star Tribune newspaper reported. Doc saves poodle's life with CPR LAKE OSWEGO, Ore., Jan. 1 (UPI) -- An Oregon doctor who almost killed his pet poodle by dropping a pot of stuffing on its head saved the dog by performing CPR. The accident occurred on Thanksgiving Day. Mango, the 2-pound teacup poodle belonging to Dr. Joe Stapleton of Lake Oswego and his wife, Roxanne, had no heartbeat and was not breathing when Stapleton went to work on it. Advertisement Mango now appears to have made a complete recovery. "You'd be hard-pressed to know there was anything wrong with her," Stapleton told The Oregonian. Stapleton performed both CPR and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and kept it up while Roxanne drove him and the dog to a veterinary hospital. The couple had to leave Mango and return home to serve Thanksgiving Dinner for 20 people. When they got back to the hospital four hours later, Mango was conscious. The dog spent little more than a day in the animal hospital.