
Good health begins with heart health

NEW YORK, Jan. 21 (UPI) -- A U.S. metabolic cardiologist says good health begins with taking care of the heart.

Dr. William Lee of Patients Medical in New York is trained in both Eastern and Western medicine. As a metabolic cardiologist he looks at the cell structure of the heart to improve its function.


"Heart problems may be an indication of other serious problems elsewhere in the body, and treating the patient's overall health will help get their body back on track while addressing the root cause of the heart problem," Lee said in a statement.

The body's energy molecules, he says, are stored throughout the body in each organ -- the highest concentration being stored in the heart. With aging, stress and disease, the body's energy molecules can become depleted. When the body has used up its reserves, the heart loses a type of energy molecule known as adenosine triphosphate -- ATP.

"I have found that replacing the ATP through herbal and nutraceutical therapy can have dramatic results," Lee said. "We are replenishing the raw materials the heart needs to synthesize a new supply of ATP."


Lee suggests fending off heart damage by avoiding sugar, getting plenty of rest, eating a healthy diet and exercising. He recommends annual blood tests to screen for diabetes -- a possible indicator for heart degeneration.

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