
Avoid kissing, handshakes at Thanksgiving

WASHINGTON, Nov. 25 (UPI) -- The American Red Cross advises families to make some changes in how they interact and eat at Thanksgiving, to prevent the spread of the swine flu virus.

Sharon Stanley, chief nurse of the American Red Cross in Washington, says Thanksgiving is all about food, family and friends -- but with H1N1 flu still circulating families can take some steps to keep the celebration happy and healthy.


Stanley advises to:

-- Avoid the usual kisses and handshakes when greeting friends and family.

-- Wash hands frequently, before preparing food, while cooking and always before eating.

-- Keep plenty of hand soap in the bathroom, preferably in a pump container. Skip pretty hand towels and use disposable hand towels or a roll of paper towels.

-- Consider putting the glasses away and using plastic cups, or provide a way for guests to identify their drinks to avoid drinking out of anyone else's glass.

-- Put serving utensils in every dish, including snacks like nuts, pretzels or potato chips, so people can spoon out their portion instead of reaching in with their hands.

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