
Smoking ban may go on-stage

NEW YORK, Jan. 28 (UPI) -- Smoking bans enacted in many U.S. cities may soon extend to the stage, prohibiting actors in live theater from smoking as part of a performance.

The possible extension of the smoking ban is upsetting some actors and their representatives, who say smoking can be artistically integral to some productions.


Many theaters have been using herbal cigarettes instead of tobacco to get around bans, but in some places -- such as Colorado and Scotland -- even herbal smokes are out of the question.

Three theater companies in Colorado went so far as to sue the state, arguing the ban limits free expression, the newspaper said.

"It will deny residents in Colorado access to great prior works, and cutting-edge new plays as well," said Bruce Jones, the lawyer representing the theaters.

A judge ruled against the theaters in October.

If health codes in the United States continue to become stricter, the newspaper said, more theaters could face outright on-stage smoking bans.

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