
Coldplay's new album a grueling process

LOS ANGELES, June 5 (UPI) -- Coldplay's Chris Martin says the band created and discarded two full albums before choosing tracks for the "X&Y" album, set for U.S. release this week.

In the three years since the band's triple-platinum "A Rush of Blood to the Head," Martin said songs were written and discarded, tracks recorded and ditched, while tensions among himself, guitarist Jon Buckland, bassist Guy Berryman and drummer Will Champion raged and calmed.


"Suddenly something you thought was brilliant, two days later you can't believe you felt like that," Martin told the Detroit Free Press. "And vice versa. I don't understand how that happens, but sometimes you get clarity on something when you're least expecting it."

Martin said despite the marathon recording sessions he's happy with the outcome of the album.

"I'm 100 percent sure now we couldn't have done any better, and we couldn't have worked an hour longer," he said.

"X&Y" is scheduled for U.S. release Tuesday.

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