
Feldman says Jacko did nothing wrong

LOS ANGELES, Feb. 10 (UPI) -- Actor Corey Feldman told California police in 1993 Michael Jackson never did anything improper with him when they spent time together in the 1980s.

"Nothing ever happened with Michael and me," Feldman, then 22, is heard telling Santa Barbara deputies on an audio tape obtained by "Celebrity Justice."


Investigators were interviewing Feldman, star of "Goonies" and "Stand By Me," in hopes of bolstering a molestation case against Jackson. Feldman said he had two sleepovers with the pop star, one during a trip to Disneyland when he was about 14.

Jackson rented a motel room with one bed and ordered a cot, insisting that Feldman sleep in the bed, the actor said. Feldman repeatedly tells deputies nothing happened that night or during a sleepover at Jackson's home in Encino, Calif.

Feldman told the deputies he was once molested, but not by Jackson. After Feldman named the man who attacked him, the investigators seemed to have no interest in pursuing that case.

Jackson is currently being tried on 10 counts of child molestation in Santa Maria, Calif.


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