
Clear Channel to cut ad time

SAN ANTONIO, July 19 (UPI) -- Clear Channel, the largest U.S. radio network, said Monday that it plans to lower the amount of commercial minutes that are played per hour.

Radio & Records reported that the initiative to cut the number of commercial minutes on its more than 1,200 stations will also cut the "on-air clutter" at all of its stations.


Clear Channel is also introducing premium positions on Jan. 1, 2005, within shortened commercial air time that the company the company said would increase an advertiser's value on a Clear Channel station.

"For some markets this will be dramatic, and for others it will be drastically dramatic," John Hogan, Clear Channel's chief executive officer, told Radio & Records.

"This is an issue for all broadcasters today. Agencies and advertisers and listeners have complained, so this is an industry challenge. The management of Clear Channel feels that radio has drifted -- in some cases to dangerous levels."

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