
Campaign launched against 'Fahrenheit'

LOS ANGELES, June 15 (UPI) -- A conservative California political group opened a campaign intended to discourage people from seeing Michael Moore's movie, "Fahrenheit 9/11."

Move America Forward is using its Web site and an e-mail campaign to publicize the names of theaters scheduled to open the movie on June 25 and some theaters the group said are considering adding it to their programming.


"'Bash America' filmmaker Michael Moore is about to unleash an attack on the U.S. military, the heroic men and women of the Armed Forces and our commander-in-chief, via his film 'Fahrenheit 9/11,'" said a statement on the Web site.

"Inexplicably, more than 1,000 theaters have indicated they will proudly broadcast what The Guardian calls an 'anti-war/anti-Bush' film -- beginning June 25," said the statement. "And the number keeps growing each day. The goal of the film is abundantly clear: to undermine the war on terrorism."

The Web site lists e-mail addresses and mailing addresses of officials at more than 20 theater chains and urges visitors to get in touch with the executives to let them know what they think of the movie.


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