PARIS, Dec. 7 (UPI) -- With oil and gas demand shifting to eastern economies, the IEA said China could account for as much as 40 percent of the global renewable energy growth.
China has a five-year development plan to limit coal production and use by 10 percent of 2011 levels by 2015. The International Energy Agency said China aims to double the amount of natural gas it uses by 2015.
The official Xinhua news agency this week reported that China's development plan through 2015 calls for the addition of 123 trillion cubic feet of proven conventional natural gas reserves.
IEA Executive Director Maria van der Hoeven said much of Asia has an important role to play in a low-carbon future.
"China alone accounts for almost 40 percent of global renewable generation growth," she said in a statement.
The IEA said renewable energy projects like geothermal energy could help with the carbon reductions needed to keep climate issues in check across the region.