
Scotland wants to lead in CCS

EDINBURGH, Scotland, April 4 (UPI) -- Expertise in carbon capture and storage sites Scotland at the forefront of what the government said was "game-changing technology."

The British Department of Energy and Climate Change announced the launch of a competition for carbon capture and storage in an effort to drive down the costs of design, construction and operation of commercial-scale CCS with $1.6 in capital funding.


The International Energy Agency said CCS technology could cut carbon dioxide emissions from the industrial sector by as much as 4 gigatons by the middle of the century.

CCS technology inaugurated in West Yorkshire last year could remove up to 100 tons of carbon dioxide emissions per day from an area coal-fired power station.

Scottish Energy Minister Fergus Ewing said it's "essential" that London demonstrates its full commitment to supporting the development of commercial-scale CCS.

"We have Scottish powers over emissions control and have taken important internationally recognized initiatives to streamline the planning processes for CCS projects," he said. "That is why Scotland remains in the vanguard of what could become game-changing technology, and we will work with industry partners to ensure that Scotland is successful."


Plans for a CCS project in Scotland fell apart following pricing concerns during talks last year between the government and developers.

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