
New Marines complete tough training

PARRIS ISLAND, S.C., Dec. 20 -- The Marines hope their few good men and women are now even better. A group of 550 recruits has completed an exhausting new training ordeal that probably had some longing for the relatively good old days.

Called the Crucible, the program required recruits to complete a 54-hour course that includes marching 40 miles, eating only three meals and sleeping just four hours a night. The program, which concludes the Corps' new 12-week training schedule, began with reveille at 2 a.m. Operating in 15-person teams, the men and women participated in 'Warrior Stations,' drills that included night infiltration operations, a combat assault course, long marches and a firing range where the recruits didn't know how far they were shooting. The exercises are designed to boost confidence, teamwork and problem-solving skills. Male and female recruits must complete the same training, which one new Marine applauds. Private Janessa Stroup (jah-NEHSS-ah stroop) says, 'If men can do it then we can do it. It's just another challenge -- and we'll take it.' ---


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