TACOMA, Wash. -- The parents of a Tacoma, Washington, toddler who died of E. coli poisoning after eating a Jack In The Box cheeseburger are suing the fast-food chain.
The Pierce County Superior Court lawsuit by Michael and Diana Nole charges Jack In The Box with negligence.
The suit, filed Thursday, seeks unspecified damages.
Doctors said the Noles' 2-year-old son, Michael, died Jan. 22 of kidney disease resulting from the bacterial infection.
Two other children remained in grave condition Friday at Children's Hospital and Medical Center in Seattle after eating tainted hamburger sold by the fast-food chain.
Several other lawsuits have been filed against San Diego-based Jack In The Box over the E. coli outbreak. The Nole boy and another toddler died and health officials say more than 420 illnesses have been reported in Washington state since January.
Other cases of E. coli poisoning have been reported in Nevada, Idaho and the San Diego area.
Samples of uncooked meat from Jack In The Box restaurants was found to contain animal waste. Health officials said the bacteria thrive in undercooked meat.
Jack In The Box has since changed its supplier of beef in Western states where bacteria poisoning was reported.