
Philadelphia Daily News endorses Clinton

PHILADELPHIA -- The Philadelphia Daily News Monday endorsed Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton for president, calling him 'a visionary man who could have political genius.'

The Daily News, a tabloid, said the choice comes down to character.


'It does come down to who you trust.

'That is why it comes down to Bill Clinton for president.

The Daily News said, 'George Bush had no rationale for his candidacy four years ago. Today, he has a record of four years of failure and self-justifying rationalization. The only thing consistent about Bushis a desperate struggle to keep his job.'

The endorsement came as Clinton made his first appearance in the Philadelphia area since his post-convention bus tour.

'With Bill Clinton, there is a visionary man who could have political genuius, a politician who can bring us together. With Bush, what you see, alas, is what you get -- a tiny, crabbed patrician without principle or a clue.

'Bill Clinton for president. And it ain't a bit close.'

The Daily News also cited Bush's inaction on the economy, and called him 'a symbolic president.'

'We need a man who wants to be president so he can do something, rather than a man who wants to be president as a personal entitlement... .'


'Despite the noises of the campaign Clinton is a candidate of real substance. He has solid, detailed plans to use the office to make this a nation that is moving forward rather than one that looks back on a soft- focused past that never happened except in Ronald Reagan's afternoon naps....'

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