

By WILLIAM C. TROTT, United Press International

He was supposed to have been named Tyrone Stallone and he also used to answer to Binky and Stinky. Sylvester Stallone's mother, Jackie, tells Parade magazine that she wanted to name her son after Tyrone Power but that her husband had the named changed on the birth certificate without telling her.

She says young Sly also was known by the un-Rambo-like nickname Binky but one day he complained that his schoolmates were calling him Stinky and he asked if he could go by Mike. Mrs. Stallone says Sylvester inherited a bad trait from her -- an inability to choose a nice spouse. 'I was bitterly opposed to both of his wives (Sasha Stallone and Brigitte Nielsen),' she says. 'In my opinion, they weren't good enough for him. He's a sucker for designing women and I'm a sucker for designing men.'


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