
Blue Chip, Hyundai introduce new PC

NEW YORK -- Blue Chip Electronics Inc., in association with Hyundai Group of South Korea, Wednesday announced the introduction of an IBM-compatible personal computer with a retail price of $699 plus features.

The Blue Chip Personal Computer, manufactured by Hyundai, is fully compatible with the IMB PC-XT and will be available next month at more than 500 outlets thoughout the United States, the Arizona-based electronics company said.


The computer is equipped with one floppy disk drive, six expansion slots, a parallel printer port, a serial port, a Hercules compatible mono-graphic video interface and an IBM-AT style keyboard.

The Blue Chip is designed to run software programs such as Lotus 1-2-3, Symphony, Flight Simulator, WordStar and an estimated 10,000 programs written for the IBM PC, the company said.

The Blue Chip is currently being sold to such 'mass merchants' as Target Stores, Caldor, Federated Group Stores, Fedco Stores, Venture Stores, Toys 'R' Us and selected Walmart stores.

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