
It's not like in the movies

BUFFALO, Wyo. -- In a real-life 'Cannonball Run,' seven of the eight drivers in the 300-mile race received speeding tickets, and one motorcyclist clocked at 131 mph spent the night in jail.

The Sunday event, sponsored by the Buffalo Chamber of Commerce, took its name from the Burt Reynolds' film that portrayed a fictitious transcontinental road race.


Chamber of Commerce spokeswoman Nancy Koehler said drivers were 'instructed to obey the law,' and officials were 'not real proud' of the number of speeding violations.

Scott Rathbun, wearing a ruffled tuxedo shirt with bow tie, spent the night in jail after being clocked at 131 mph. Six of the other seven participants received traffic tickets for speeds up to 85 mph.

The winner of the race completed the course in 4 hours and 22 minutes in a 1985 Pontiac Trans-Am, Pierson said, despite getting stopped for traveling 67 mph. The lone driver who obeyed the law finished third.

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