
National News Briefs

WICHITA FALLS, Texas -- The president of the California company that produces the adult video game 'Custer's Revenge' makes no apology for the idea but says he may pull it from the market early next year.

The game, which depicts a nude Gen. Custer attempting to avoid arrows to have a sexual encounter with a nude Indian woman, has drawn criticism from American Indian groups and women's groups who call it a commercial exploitation of sexism, racism and rape.


'There is a sexual act, but it is not rape. It never has been,' Stuart Keston, president of American Multiple Industries Corp. in Northridge, Calif., said in an interview with the Wichita Falls Times Wednesday.

'We no more promote sexual violence in our game than Pac-Man promotes cannabilism.'

He said protests have nothing to do with his consideration to take the game off the market.

Keston said he plans to continue marketing adult video games which will 'probably cause a stir.'

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