
Sweden to ban 'secret photographing'

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Dec. 20 (UPI) -- Swedish lawmaker have finished the second draft of a bill that bans taking secret, "violating" photographs and video, officials said.

"There isn't enough protection against taking photographs that violate the person being photographed. The courts have told us that," Justice Minister Beatrice Ask told the TT news agency.


The proposed legislation bans taking secret pictures in the home or in public spaces such as restrooms and changing rooms.

Anyone caught breaking the law faces a possible two years in prison.

The first draft, which caught flack as it was seen as violating the rights of the press, criminalized photography that had "the aim of violating the portrayed person," whereas the new draft redefines it as "secret filming or photographing."

"We have suggested exceptions to the law when there are circumstances that could justify photographing people in secret," Ask said. "It's a judgement call from case to case."

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