
Sarah Palin revs up NRA crowd in Houston

HOUSTON, May 4 (UPI) -- Sarah Palin drew a standing ovation at the National Rifle Association confab in Houston Friday when she called the 4.5 million NRA members her siblings.

The Tea Party Republican revved up the crowd by attacking Democratic President Barack Obama for deploying family members of the Newtown, Conn., massacre victims as "backdrops" for his push for gun control legislation, Politico reported. Palin, a former Alaska governor who was the Republicans' 2008 vice presidential nominee, also attacked the media for being Obama's "poodle-skirted cheerleader," the Washington publication said.


Palin, a longtime NRA member, sported a "women hunt" T-shirt and made clear her love of guns by telling the audience her son Trigg's nickname is "Trigger" and she has a nephew whose middle name is Remington.

She drew the members to their feet when she called them her "brothers and sisters."

"We're fighting the good fight," Palin said. "The Washington establishment sneers at you, and you don't give up. The lame-stream media just plain doesn't get you, and you don't give up. You don't retreat."

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