
Disabled mom offers to trade house for car

DETROIT, Nov. 10 (UPI) -- A Detroit woman says she posted an ad on Craigslist offering to trade her home for a vehicle so she doesn't have to rely on the city's public transit system.

LaWanda M. Flake, 36, says she has a bad back and is willing to trade her brick home, located in one of the city's more desirable neighborhoods, for a vehicle that she can use to transport her and her six children, The Detroit News reported Thursday.


Flake said she bought her 2,000-square-foot house at a tax foreclosure sale for $3,500. The city last year assessed it at $96,000.

"I really wanted to live in that house with my children. It's beautiful from the outside and it's pretty solid inside, too, but it's going to take more to fix it up than I can afford, and with the bus system falling apart, I need a car. We can't get to appointments on time. We don't feel safe," she told the newspaper.

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