
Missing boy hadn't been seen for weeks

BELLEVUE, Wash., Nov. 8 (UPI) -- Investigators in Bellevue, Wash., say no one other than Sky Metalwala's mother has reported seeing the 2-year-old boy in the past two weeks.

The little boy's mother, Julie Biryukova, reported him missing Sunday, telling police her car ran out of gas and she left the toddler locked in the car while she walked with her 4-year-old daughter to a gas station. She said Metalwala was missing when she returned, KOMO-TV, Seattle, reported Tuesday.


Police said no gas can was found near the car, which started easily for police.

The child has been the center of a custody dispute between Biryukova and the boy's father, Solomon Metalwala. Police said Solomon Metalwala took a polygraph test Monday but the results were said to be inconclusive.

Court records show the child was left in a car for nearly an hour on a 27 degree day by his parents when he was 3-months-old. The parents were cited for reckless endangerment in the 2009 incident.

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