
Democrats announce new PACs

WASHINGTON, April 29 (UPI) -- Democratic operatives Friday announced the formation of two new U.S. political action committees specifically aimed at countering efforts by Karl Rove.

Priorities USA and Priorities USA Action aim to raise at least $100 million for next year's presidential election, Politico reported.


In a memo to potential contributors reprinted by Politico, Bill Burton, a former White House spokesman, and Sean Sweeney, a former White House aide, explained they are out to "level the playing field" by taking advantage of the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision, which removed limits on political contributions created by the McCain-Feingold legislation.

"While we agree that fundamental campaign finance reforms are needed, Karl Rove and the Koch brothers cannot live by one set of rules as our values and our candidates are overrun with their hundreds of millions of dollars," they said. "We will comply with all applicable rules and laws but we won't be boxed in by a double standard."

Karl Rove is a former adviser to President George W. Bush. David and Charles Koch, who control Koch Industries, are major fundraisers for conservative groups in the United States.


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