
Trunk stain can be used against Anthony

ORLANDO, Fla., April 21 (UPI) -- Jurors may hear evidence about a stain in Casey Anthony's car trunk when she is tried for the murder of her daughter, a Florida judge ruled Thursday.

Orange-Osceola Chief Judge Belvin Perry delayed ruling on two other evidence questions, the Orlando Sentinel reported. Prosecutors want to use evidence about plant roots in the swampy woods where 2-year-old Caylee Anthony's skeletal remains were found and on air samples taken from the car trunk.


The stain tested negative for blood, but forensic scientists found fatty acids that could have come from a decomposing body. Prosecutors hope to use evidence on chemicals found in the air samples as well, something that has never been used in a trial before.

A deposition by Anthony Lazzaro, Anthony's former boyfriend, was filed Wednesday. He said she told him her father physically abused her.

Lazzaro called Anthony "a great girlfriend and a great mom."

Caylee Anthony disappeared in 2008. When she first reported her missing, a month after she was last seen, Casey Anthony said a babysitter had vanished with the child.

The child's remains were found later that year near the house where mother and daughter lived with her parents.


The trial is scheduled to begin in May.

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