
McConnell urges 'bolder' action on spending

WASHINGTON, Jan. 30 (UPI) -- The Republican leader in the U.S. Senate urged President Obama to be bolder when it comes to spending cuts and the reform of entitlement programs.

Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said on NBC's "Meet the Press" that the GOP was ready to sit down with the White House to discuss issues such as Social Security and Medicare.


"The American people are asking us to tackle these problems," McConnell said. "I think the president needs to be more bold."

McConnell said he foresaw the upcoming votes on the March 4 continuing resolution and the authorization to raise the national debt ceiling as opportunities to make meaningful progress.

"We ought not to miss this opportunity," McConnell said. "The president ought to step up to the plate with us and tackle it together."

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