
NRA: Don't ask would-be parents about guns

TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Nov. 5 (UPI) -- U.S. couples seeking to adopt children should not be questioned about gun ownership by agencies, the National Rifle Association says.

The group is lobbying for a Florida law that would ban agencies from asking whether there are weapons in the house, arguing the question violates privacy rights, The Miami Herald reports. Marion Hammer, an NRA lobbyist, said questioning prospective parents about guns is the equivalent of making them register their weapons.


"Gun registration is illegal in Florida," Hammer said. "An adoption agency has no right to subvert the privacy rights of gun owners."

The impetus for the proposed law came from a Brevard County couple who complained to a lawyer about gun questions from the Children's Home Society. The lawyer forwarded the complaint to the NRA.

Liz Bruner, a spokeswoman for the adoption agency, said the state Department of Children & Families requires agencies to ask about guns. The agency says more recent forms for prospective parents do not include questions about guns.

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