
WH: Baucus healthcare bill advances debate

WASHINGTON, Sept. 16 (UPI) -- A fifth healthcare proposal before the U.S. Congress is an important step that moves the nation closer to healthcare reform, the White House said Wednesday.

Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., introduced his 10-year, $856 billion plan online Wednesday as a way for the Senate Finance Committee, which he leads, to begin considering it next week. Among other things, Baucus's plan does not include a public option, proposing instead non-profit healthcare cooperatives as an alternative to private insurance. It also provides consumer protections by barring insurance companies from denying coverage because of pre-existing conditions, canceling coverage because of changes in health condition, or setting limits on coverage, Baucus said.


"I think there will be a continued legislative process that will tweak and change legislation, as there always is," White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said. "I don't think the president looks at today as the end. I think Republicans, certainly (those) on the committee, will offer amendments to change the bill."

Gibbs said the administration hopes lawmakers will hear what their constituents say about the high cost of healthcare and why reform is needed.


"The cost of health insurance over that 10-year period increased 131 percent," Gibbs said. "Those are numbers that -- whether you're a family or a small business or a big business or a government -- are simply unsustainable over the long course."

Gibbs wouldn't say whether Baucus's bill tracked closer to what President Obama wants because "there are going to be those (lawmakers) that want to have amendments to change certain things. It has some important provisions in it and ... I think it makes progress on the issue."

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