
Prosecutors: Chef slew lover, cooked flesh

LEEDS, England, Oct. 7 (UPI) -- Prosecutors say a British chef allegedly killed his gay lover, sliced off part of the dead man's thigh, cooked it with fresh herbs and tried to eat it.

The cannibalism allegations against Anthony Morley, a chef from Leeds, England, highlighted testimony Monday in a murder trial at Leeds Crown Court, The Times of London reported.


Police said they discovered the naked body of 33-year-old Damian Oldfield, an advertising salesman, in Morley's bed in April, saying it had been stabbed many times. Downstairs in the kitchen, police reported finding six pieces of cooked human fresh on a chopping board and another piece in the trash that had been cooked with herbs and olive oil and chewed by the killer, the newspaper said.

Morley, 36, the winner of the first Mr. Gay UK contest in 1993, contends he was defending himself against an attempted rape by Oldfield.

Prosecutors, however, said forensic tests revealed the two men had sex before Morley allegedly slit Oldfield's throat from behind and then stabbed him repeatedly with two knives. They also contend DNA tests prove the cooked flesh belonged to Oldfield and Morley's saliva was found on the half-eaten piece, The Times reported.


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