
Woman teacher charged for sex with boy

WILMINGTON, Del., April 5 (UPI) -- A Wilmington, Del., school teacher confessed to having sex with a 13-year-old male student 27 times in one week last month, and has been charged with rape.

Rachel Holt, 34, was arrested Tuesday and charged with 28 counts of first-degree rape, two counts of providing alcohol to a minor and one count of unlawfully dealing with a child, the Wilmington News-Journal reported.


Holt said the encounters began March 24 and continued through last Friday.

The boy's father became suspicious of the boy's "intense" interest in the teacher, and called police after overhearing a flurry of telephone calls last week, the report said.

Holt faces a hearing Monday, and was ordered to have no contact with the boy. She was being held in the Baylor Correctional Institution in lieu of $560,450 cash bail.

Tuesday, the school district sent a letter advising parents that a team of counselors, psychologists and social workers would be available to help any student having problems coping with the situation.

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