
Time reporter writes on CIA leak case

WASHINGTON, Dec. 12 (UPI) -- A Time magazine reporter says a lawyer for White House adviser Karl Rove was surprised when she suggested Rove may have been a source in the CIA leak case.

Writing in her magazine, Viveca Novak said Robert D. Luskin was surprised when told in 2004 that Rove had probably been a source for her magazine's July 2003 article that discussed the Central Intelligence Agency officer Valerie Plame, reports The New York Times.


Novak wrote she met Luskin on three occasions and that she hinted to him Rove had discussed Plame with her work colleague Matthew Cooper, The Times reported.

Separately, The Washington Post reported Novak did not initially tell her Time bosses she may have tipped off Luskin or that Special Prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald was interested in her conversation with Luskin.

The Post reported Novak and Time editors agreed she would take a leave of absence for now. The Post said Novak's article does little to explain how a conversation over drinks with Luskin could help clear Rove.


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