
Senate's Frist backs intelligent design

WASHINGTON, Aug. 20 (UPI) -- Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., has come out in support of public schools teaching intelligent design as well as evolution.

The New York Times reports the Republican leader announced his stance Friday. Frist said teaching both theories would be a fair way to prepare people for the future.


Intelligent design is a theory that says a higher power must be involved in creating life because it is too complicated for evolution.

Critics say the debate is between a scientific theory and a religious one.

Frist's announcement comes at a crucial point in his relations with President Bush, who also supports the intelligent design theory.

In July he broke with Bush's stance on stem cell research, calling for more federal funding.

Opponents of the research consider using human embryonic cells murder because the embryos are destroyed.

Supporters say the research will lead to numerous medical discoveries about diseases and other ailments.

Frist is thought to have presidential aspirations for the 2008 election.

Both intelligent design and stem cell research are hot button issues on the conservative agenda.

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