
Kansas ends evolution hearing

TOPEKA, Kan., May 13 (UPI) -- The Kansas Board of Education ended its hearing this week on whether students will study intelligent design along with evolution in science classes.

The board is expected to make a decision on the science standards during the summer, and, at the moment, anti-evolutionists have a 6-4 majority, the Topeka Capitol-Journal reported. Intelligent design claims scientific backing, with supporters arguing that natural selection could not be responsible for the diversity of life on earth.


On the final day, Thursday, Pedro Irigonegaray, a Topeka lawyer representing the pro-evolution side, gave a two-hour closing argument before a three-person subcommittee. He called no witnesses during the hearing although he cross-examined a parade of people speaking for intelligent design.

John Calvert, a lawyer and managing director of the Intelligent Design network, was also allowed to give a closing argument because Irigonegaray refused to answer questions, saying he is not a scientist.

Kansas' science standards have been a political football for several years. In 1999, the board deleted all references to evolution from the science curriculum, causing a national and international stir.

Voters elected a moderate board, which reversed the trend.


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