
Rangel outlines Social Security 'challenge'

WASHINGTON, Jan. 8 (UPI) -- Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., said a fitting tribute to the late Rep. Robert Matsui would be a bipartisan effort to strengthen Social Security.

Matsui, D-Calif., died last week, just days before he was to begin his 14th term in the U.S. Congress. Rangel opened Saturday's Democratic Party radio address by saying how Matsui could be honored by making sure future generations "are blessed by Social Security as past generations have been."


Rangel also said President Bush's plans for privatized accounts makes Social Security weaker, not stronger. The congressman from New York said Social Security is not facing an "imminent crisis" but does have a challenge ahead because people are living longer.

"Social Security is something we all paid into; Social Security is not about dependency on big government, it's about how we all rely on each other," Rangel said. "We believe it should not be about 'every man for himself' but that America takes care of its own. With the memory of our dear friend Bob Matsui close to our hearts, we Democrats will continue to fight to keep the trust of Social Security, now and in the future."


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