
GOP candidate uses Rather flap in ad

WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 (UPI) -- A Texas GOP congressional candidate, the Hotline reported Friday, is the first to use the CBS document flap to cast doubt on his opponent's credibility.

In what the Hotline calls, "the highly competitive battle" for Texas 1st Congressional District, Republican Louie Gohmert, a former judge, has put an ad on the air featuring CBS anchor Dan Rather as a vehicle to criticize his opponent, U.S. Rep. Max Sandlin, D-Texas.


Gohmert's ad says Sandlin's "negative ads" have "more holes than a CBS news story by Dan Rather" before going on to attack Sandlin's "liberal record."

The Hotline says the ad is the first to use "the CBS false document scandal" in an attack, making it likely to garner national attention. "It's also likely many GOP challengers will try to tie their Dem opponents to Kerry, especially in conservative or Southern districts," the publication speculated.

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