
Human-to-human monkeypox test expected

ATLANTA, June 14 (UPI) -- Laboratory test results on three suspected cases of human-to human monkeypox transmission are expected to be completed later Saturday.

If the cases are confirmed as monkeypox, they would be the first known cases of human-to-human transmission of the disease in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.


But Wisconsin's state epidemiologist and chief medical officer for communicable diseases said the reported illnesses "do not appear to be cases of monkeypox."

Davis said a medical assistant and a nurse became ill after coming into contact with other patients with monkeypox. The nurse's boyfriend also came down with symptoms, Davis told CNN.

The patients were part of an outbreak of the illness in the Midwest traced to infected prairie dogs sold as pets. At least 84 suspected cases have now been reported, none of them fatal, according to CDC.

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