
Baby born at home with 911 help

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LAKELAND, Fla., Jan. 31 (UPI) -- A Florida couple said they delivered their own baby in the bedroom of their apartment with the help of a 911 dispatcher.

Jordaeshia and Larry Coleman said they were sent home to their Lakeland apartment Wednesday when doctors at Tampa General Hospital told them Jordaeshia wasn't dilated enough to give birth, The (Lakeland) Ledger reported Tuesday.


Jordaeshia said her contractions continued and her water broke Thursday while she was on the toilet. Larry quickly dialed 911, but the birth was over before paramedics arrived.

The couple said they were able to successfully deliver 6-pound, 8-ounce Larry Vernon Coleman III with the help of 911 dispatcher Nicole Corps.

Corps said the call was the first time she had to guide someone through an entire birth.

"To be able to participate in a call that brings life into the world, that's very exciting to me," Corps said.

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