
'Dark Horse' revived on MySpace

SAN DIEGO, July 27 (UPI) -- The comic book "Dark Horse Presents" came back to life Friday in a 21st century form young people gravitate toward -- MySpace, it was announced in San Diego.

The inaugural August online issue of "MySpace Dark Horse Presents," includes comics such as "Sugar Shock" by artist Fabio Moon and Joss Whedon, creator of the TV cult hit "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"; "The Umbrella Academy," by Gabriel Ba and Gerard Way, lead singer of My Chemical Romance; "Samurai" by Ron Marz and Luke Ross; and "Comic-Con Murder Mystery" by Rick Geary.


Dark Horse Comics, a pioneer in creator-owned and -licensed comics material, ran in print from 1986-2000.

The announcement came during Comic-Con International in San Diego.

"We are thrilled to help resurrect 'Dark Horse Presents' in its new digital format and continue the long and storied legacy of this comic institution classic," Shawn Gold, MySpace senior vice president for marketing, said in a news release.

Dark Horse founder Mike Richardson said the online version's goal is the same as the original: "(Bring) new and talented creators to the forefront of comics culture, and also to give industry luminaries a chance to retain the rights to their work."


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