
Burberry withdraws from BAFTA awards

LONDON, Feb. 3 (UPI) -- Fashion brand Burberry pulled out of its sponsorship of The British Academy of Film and Television Arts pre-party in London and was replaced by Sky TV.

Burberry decided to withdraw from the upcoming ceremony under the threat of protesters who promised to picket the venue where the ceremony was being held. The ceremony, where nominations for awards will be announced, is scheduled for Feb. 10, The Daily Mail reported Saturday.


"We are delighted that Sky has saved the day," a spokesman for BAFTA told the newspaper.

Burberry chairman John Peace decided that if the protests were telecast, it would cast the company in a bad light all over the world, the Mail reported.

Burberry's recent decision to close a factory in South Wales and move 300 jobs to China has precipitated the "Keep Burberry British" campaign, supported by several unions and a handful of celebrities.

The BAFTA awards ceremony will be held Feb. 11, the day after the nominations are announced.

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