
Product placement finds its way into books

PHILADELPHIA, June 12 (UPI) -- A Philadelphia book publisher has recently signed a marketing deal with Cover Girl, leading to a product placement in its newest book.

In Running Press' new book, "Cathy's Book: If Found Call (650)266-8233," a character description was changed to read "a killer coat of Lipslicks in 'Daring,'" The New York Times reports.


The new deal will not pay Running Press, a unit of Perseus Book Group, or the book's authors, Sean Stewart and Jordan Weisman, for featuring the product in their work. Instead Procter & Gamble, Cover Girl's parent company, will advertise the book on one of its Web sites called, it was reported.

According to the Times, the agreement is the second time a product placement deal has been created to mention specific products in literary works.

Five years prior, the Italian jewelry company Bulgari signed a similar deal with author Fay Weldon to prominently mention their company in her book entitled, "The Bulgari Connection."

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