
Dixie Chicks 'View' grows dim

NEW YORK, May 24 (UPI) -- The women of ABC TV's "The View" have joined U.S. country radio stations in accusing The Dixie Chicks of biting the hands that fed them.

In this week's cover story in Time magazine, Dixie Chick Emily Robison said the trio has decided to take their political views seriously and only appear on the highest-caliber shows -- not "The View."


"We are furious," moderator Meredith Vieira said moments into Tuesday's daytime talk show. However, Vieira made it clear their anger was for the most part, in jest, The New York Post reported Wednesday.

"We started these girls -- back in 1998, they couldn't get arrested," Vieira said. "We were one of the first national shows to give them a platform, because they deserve a platform -- they are incredibly talented performers."

Country radio boycotted the group for making anti-President Bush statements in 2003.

"It's one thing to diss the Bush administration, it's treason to diss 'The View'!" co-host Joy Behar said.

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