
Will Ferrell is not dead

LOS ANGELES, March 15 (UPI) -- Comedic actor Will Ferrell is alive and kicking -- despite widespread Internet reports he had perished in a para-gliding accident.

Rumors swirled Tuesday claiming Ferrell died in a freak accident outside San Diego, "Access Hollywood" reported.


However, the celebrity tabloid TV show tracked Ferrell in Montreal where he is filming his next movie.

A fake news release posted on a legitimate Web site said the actor died after a "freak wind gush basically blew Ferrell and his companion towards a wooded area where they lost control before crashing into the dense foliage ... and crashed at an estimated 60 mph hitting the trees as they hurtled to the ground."

The fake release quoted Ferrell's "parents," Mary and Hubert Ferrell, announcing their son's demise, but "Access Hollywood" noted Ferrell's parents are named Kay and Lee.

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