
Corsica miffed about film

PARIS, Jan. 9 (UPI) -- Corsica is suing Jean-Pierre Jeunet over a line in his movie that it believes defames Corsicans who died in World War I.

"A Very Long Engagement" starring Audrey Tautou includes a scene in which a soldier -- who urinates in the helmets of his fellow troops -- begs the Germans: "Don't shoot me. I'm Corsican."


Jeunet insists it's just a joke, but the Mediterranean island's regional government believes it mocks 12,000 Corsicans who gave their lives fighting for the French, Daily Variety reports.

A government spokesman confirmed it is taking legal action.

Corsica, an administrative region of France, has been at odds with the nation for centuries with its separatist violence and lawlessness depicted in the recent French comedy, "The Corsican Investigation."

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